Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Complete windows training course

Take your PC skills to a whole new level with our Top-Windows-Tutorials.com Super guides

Top-Windows-Tutorials.com Super guides are our new range of cutting edge training materials that will allow our readers to confidently master more advanced software and techniques in their own homes at their own pace. Our Super guides are not just e-books but full, digital download packages.
Why a Download?
Lots of websites have begun selling e-books (electronic books). It is our belief that an e-book really misses the point. People like books because they are convenient and easy to read from. That (and the fact they don’t run out of batteries when not plugged into the wall) is the reason why books have remained popular, even in the digital age. Moving a book into a computer brings the reader virtually none of the benefits of the computer and several disadvantages, such as eye strain and reduced portability.
Our Superguides take advantage of the “electronic” in electronic book. While you’ll still find e-book content in our guides, you’ll also find video content, just like you do on Top-Windows-Tutorials.com. However, the video content on our discs is in high resolutions and designed to suit a wide range of monitors, thus taking advantage of the storage capacity of modern computers.
Just because the e-books in our guides are complimentary to the videos, don’t think for a moment that they are second rate! We take pride in preparing high quality e-book material for our Superguide discs. See this page before you consider purchasing an e-book from a competing website.
Which titles are available?
There are currently three titles available:-
Windows 7 Gigaguide (includes Windows 7 Superguide 1 and 2)
Windows 8 Superguide
Windows 10 Superguide
We hope to add several more titles in the future.

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